Welcome to Airesoft

Hello and welcome to Airesoft. We aim to provide tools and other helpful app downloads for developers and system administrators alike.

Items under the Products header are created directly by Airesoft. Items listed under Downloads are provided as a courtesy and issues should be taken up with the respective owners.

The most recent news is listed below

WWE on Netflix Support

It's even worse news

Download From Stardom World

A World Climax on my computer? You must be joshi-ng me

Download from ROH Honor Club

For dignity, for integrity, for Honor!

LetMeAtIt Build 91/92 & WWE Unblocker

In order to continue using the WWE Network Unblocker after the 28th January 2022, you need to update to LetMeAtIt 2.0 if you're using version 1.9.

Download From Motorsport.TV

Fanatical for Formula E? Excited by endurance? Porsche Palpatations!


Redirect audio output of a program to a specified adapter.

Chroot Updated

The Chroot tool has been updated to add new features and fix a few shortcomings. The main update is that registry accesses of jailed processes can now also be jailed / redirected. Also, children of rooted processes are now also rooted. This overcomes the behaviour introduced with Windows 7 which bailed out child processes.

Download the updated version from the Chroot page

Download from WWE Network

Grab grappling content from the WWE, WCW & more