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QueryDACL is a tool for querying the security details of standard securable objects such as files in Windows 2000 and later. It allows you to quickly and easily see which accounts have what level of access to a particular securable Windows object without the need to open a GUI.

In an ordinary Windows installation, about the only tools you get to be able to view DACLs on the command line are cacls/icacls for files, and sc for services. Even then, the output is more or less cryptic unless you know what all the abbreviations mean. QueryDACL not only centralizes this functionality in a single application, it provides the results in plain English. To see the difference, view the QueryDACL gallery.

QueryDACL can also investigate files, services and registry keys on other computers on the network. To download the latest version of the tool please visit the sourceforge download page. The source can be browsed online at Sourceforge, or downloaded from here.

New in version 1.7:
Support for object manager directories and their entries (these are the objects you can see using WinObj) and job objects using the new kernel types ‘directory’ and ‘job’ respectively.

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